
32 merry town, NC, 25701
john boyd

Natural skin care products are health and beauty products that use only botantical ingredients. No synthetic materials or chemicals, including perfume, dyes or artificial colourings are used to create these products. Most often, natural skin care products are not tested on animals and are non-sensitizing to the skin. They are easily available nowadays in many shops set up in response to rising demand and consumer affluence.  Joven Skin Care
Many skin care chemists use skin nourishing oils in their formula but blend them with them with various synthetics. Some of these chemicals unfortunately limit the effect of the natural ingredients. They also prevent the natural evaporation of moisture from the skin and their prolonged use removes sebum from the skin. The skin becomes dry and can become irritated. For people who are prone to skin irritations, such products may not be suitable.
So what ingredients are you likely to find in natural skin care products? Here are a couple of examples:
Aloe vera This is a common base used in lotions and gels in products applied to all parts of the body. Gentle and healing, it has a softening and smoothening affect on dry skin.
 Baking soda This adds smooth texture to lotions for the face and the body. It is also a pH stabilizer.
 Beeswax This is a great base with a pleasant smell for body butters, face masks, salves, hair masks, and more.
Coconut oil, almond oil These are bases as well for various shampoos and added to body lotions and bath beads.


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