
Actually joint Mattering get started it's someone between the age up forty and 65 which totally surprised me because I I’m actually 26 night thoughtful maybe younger people will relate to mean will have a younger audience was actually in an older audience and don't get me wrong I mean weave eighteen-year-olds we have a we have 81-year-old we have people formal ages all over the place but most.


People who get started with MTT be did not they're not like 21-year-old toeing brought up on computers okay they don't they don't really have Avery strong background in technology they know how to use email and very basic things like actor Kale are but that's about it so will this actually work for someone like that the answer is absolutely believe it or not back when I started in this business I had I had very poor computer skills at little a little funny story I was actually at university I told you.

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