Australian Migration Agent and Immigration Lawyer Association

3 Spring Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Ask An Agent

Do you need help with your Australian visa application? Are you overwhelmed or unsure about the process? Or unable to find up to date information online? The Australian Migration Agent and Immigration Lawyer Association (AMAILA) can help!

AMAILA is a membership organization of registered migration agents, licensed immigration advisers and immigration lawyers.

We believe the combination of technology and dedicated professionals is the key to making legal immigration services affordable, simple and available to more people than ever before.


Here is how it works:

·         You submit your question online on

·         When asking your question, you set the amount you want to pay for an answer. Your offer is the amount that you are willing to pay your agent for their work answering your question. If your question is complicated or you want an answer quickly, you may offer a higher amount.

·         If an agent feels your question is clear and your offer is fair, your question will be accepted.

·         Once an agent has accepted your question they will provide an answer within 2 hours.

·         The answer you get will be accurate, well researched and specific to you.

·         You are notified by email once your agent has provided an answer. You can then review the answer to your question and advice online on your own dashboard.

·         If you are still unsure about any aspects of your question, you can request your agent to clarify their answer. There will be no additional charge for the clarification.


What is the difference between choosing Ask-An-Agent over other sites?

Australian Immigration Law is changing frequently. Answers provided on Blogs and Forums are locked in time and may only be relevant to the day the answer was provided. More importantly, Blogs and Forum s cannot fit your unique set of circumstances: What is appropriate for one visa applicant, may be different to your circumstances.

Most importantly, with Ask-An-Agent you have the guarantee that your answer is individually prepared by a Registered Migration Agent, Licensed Immigration Adviser or Immigration Lawyer.

Rumours about what works when applying for a visa and the misinterpretation of legislative changes are common, and we have seen many sad cases where people relied upon this misinformation and had visas refused. Ask-An-Agent will ensure that this will not happen to you.

You’ll get a fast response you can trust from the comfort of your home. Agents are waiting to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With using Ask-An-Agent, you get legal migration advice delivered straight to your inbox.

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