
chennai, dxgd, gfc, 603112

Let's set the scene.  Penny Millionaire Review  At any given time, legions of professional e-marketers gaze intently at their target audience through the finely-tuned sights of their opt-in mailing list.
With their trigger finger poised in eager anticipation, they unleash their precious marketing payload with laser-sharp accuracy towards their quarry.
The binary hordes are released - every email bearing news of compelling 'value propositions'.  Each one has a specific destination, a destiny to be fulfilled and an outcome to be realised. 

Meanwhile, dug deep in their bunkers, IT Managers and IT Administrators await ... They know their 'enemy' well and keep their primary defenses in a high state of alert.  Together with sophisticated filtering software to protect their networks, the technical teams form a formidable line of defense against the onslaught of both inbound and outbound email.  After all, email's just email, right?

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