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ManPlus teaching patience um i have three sons changes in them they were wonderful human beings to begin with but i notice the my oldest son he likes things all new and shiny and when they break and evie has already put a step on that so that is what will be the primary focus but before starting off i would like to start with the tribute to two of our amazing women we who left us with breast cancer and they are our motivation and thank you to the families for giving me the permission so mrs lotica does like i know that we all think of uh of the screening process that we think of big verse we think of mammogram we think of mri we think of ultrasound but something be it a man or a woman you need to help the other person you know help your friends tell them when you meet up you know during the parties or you know in any get together instead of asking you know of course you can say like you look beautiful your story is beautiful but ask them did you do a

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