Male Perf

new york, Nyah West, VIC 10012
wilicul sam


The prime factors of muscle growth that we specifically want to dive in the number of repetitions. When you start with strength and fitness you will perhaps do 15 reps or more with relatively light weights. In itself this is not quite unwise for a beginner because the muscles and tendons must get used to the movement and intensity. In addition, the chance of injury is small if you carry high reprtities with low weights.

Male Perf

If you are advanced in terms of fitness and you have the proper implementation of the fitness exercises to master than his 15 reps or more sub optimal when you want to achieve muscle growth. The weight is at 15 reps often too low making training load is low. Allows you train the type II muscle fibers insufficient. The type II muscle fibers are the fibers that can achieve the most growth. If you do a lot of reps, you mainly train the type I muscle fibers, which are more resistant to fatigue, but are more limited in their growth capacity.

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