Magnesium Sulfate In Health Products
What is the role of magnesium
sulfate in health products
Recently, a customer inquired
about magnesium sulfate and said that they have seen a lot of health products
with magnesium sulfate on them, and want to know what role magnesium sulfate
plays in health products.
Magnesium plays an extremely
important role in the metabolism of sugar and protein. If children in the
growth and development period have indigestion and use vitamin D, magnesium
salts should be supplemented. Magnesium has many physiological functions
similar to potassium. Because the clinical manifestations of magnesium
deficiency are similar to those of potassium deficiency, magnesium deficiency
is often overlooked. When the symptoms of potassium deficiency are not improved
after potassium supplementation, the possibility of magnesium deficiency should
be considered first, so that hypomagnesemia can be corrected in time.
Therefore, patients with long-term infusion should pay attention to magnesium
supplementation while supplementing potassium. Adding 1 gram of magnesium
sulfate to the daily infusion can prevent the occurrence of hypomagnesemia.
In the field of medicine,
external application of magnesium sulfate powder can reduce swelling, be used
to treat swelling after external injuries of the limbs, and help improve rough
skin. Magnesium sulfate is easily soluble in water and not absorbed by oral
administration. Magnesium ions and sulfate ions in the aqueous solution are not
easily absorbed by the intestinal wall, which increases the osmotic pressure in
the intestine, and the water in the body fluid moves to the intestinal cavity,
which increases the volume of the intestinal cavity. The intestinal wall
expands, thereby stimulating the afferent nerve endings in the intestinal wall,
reflexively causing increase in bowel motility and catharsis. Its effect is on
all intestinal segments, so the effect is fast and strong. Used as a catharsis
agent and duodenal drainage agent.
Magnesium sulfate intravenous
injection and intramuscular injection are mainly used for anticonvulsant. It
can cause vasodilatation and lower blood pressure. Due to the central
inhibitory effect of magnesium sulfate, skeletal muscle relaxation, and
hypotensive effect, it is mainly used clinically to relieve eclampsia and
tetanus. Other convulsions are also used for the treatment of hypertensive
crisis. It is also used to detoxify barium salt.