Law Compliance

Level 12, 484 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004
1300 862 667

Law Compliance is a unit of Health Legal, a boutique law firm that commenced business in 2003.

In 2005, as a result of accreditation requirements which the firm’s public sector health care clients were required to meet, we developed a legislative compliance product which provides a system for making our clients aware of all legislation which applies to them and then keeps them up to date with all legislative changes.

The legislative compliance service was initially developed for the public and private Victorian health sectors. Since then versions of our products have been specifically developed for a range of other organisations across Australia, including retail businesses, aged care providers, education bodies (child care, schools and University), welfare organisations, statutory bodies, Government departments and charities.

In 2013 we rebranded our compliance business and adopted the ‘Law Compliance’ business name since our products are useful to all types of organisations and it is clear that there is demand for our products outside of the health sector.