
Koura for the back those lakes lame nines it curry and slowly sit on the ball just relax in hell and thanks well Aki en depressed any help bring in energy bringing clean oxygen and exhale wonderful and then just relax through the hips alleys loosened up to the head curry for the waistline circle all the way around arms circle Street  Testinate 250  up and stretched and the others pity kid deep cleansing breaths inhale and axial I'm so proud you got fit because you're worth you deserve to look and feel your best he did a great job keeping  hey guys it's Kelly from because when Idiot com today I have a cardio but and I work out for you we're going to be a shortcut to warm up and then we're going to go straight tithe stairwell workout we're going to be doing one lower body exercise with one bodyweight cardio exercise we’re going to be doing 45 seconds on with 15 seconds rest twice through in an. 

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