
New York New York, New York, 10012
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Keto Advanced couple of minutes aren't tight you're not holding any tension in your neck or your shoulders but you really want and sit your hips back so this video for day two targets our thighs and our hips our butt as well as our belly in our first day the first video of the series we targeted our belly fat and our core energy so now we're dropping it into our legs and here you can feel your thighs already starting to fire up and speak to you ground and you can step your feet a little wider if that's comfortable for you let your head fall inhale draw breath into your lungs and as you exhale relax soften into your belly relax the tension of your shoulders in your neck let your spine dangle again inhale growing long and exhale dangling as you have relaxed so from here I'm going to lengthen your spine and step your left foot back into a runner's lunge we're just taking a big step to open up our legs spine stays long chest is still close to your right thigh and spring off of your

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