
Valeria Lobanovskogo avenue, 56/21A, Kyiv, 0100
+38 (093) 728 16 06

Blockchain is a secure way to store data about transactions, contracts, transactions, anything that needs to be recorded and verified. Today, blockchain has penetrated into almost all spheres of life and is ready to fundamentally change the financial system of the state and simplify the work of medium and large businesses. The essence of blockchain as a chain of blocks can be compared to a puzzle. A block is an array of data that contains information about transactions that entered the network after the previous block was created (in the last 10 minutes or so). Each new block of data is attached to the previous one using complex mathematical algorithms, which makes it possible to fasten these blocks together for ages. To create a new block, it is necessary to calculate its cryptographic fingerprint (hash) satisfying certain conditions. This process is performed by a large number of different computers working in the same network, which solve some complex crypto-problem, during which it is necessary to calculate the hash (output data) of the block header in the blockchain. In other words, to find a special code that will produce a hash containing a certain number of zeros at the beginning of that hash. The process of finding the blocks is called mining. When the problem is solved, a new block is formed that cannot be deleted or changed. But every user of the network can see all the information in the blockchain. It is as if you were putting together puzzles on an online broadcast in front of an audience of millions. Blockchain is completely decentralized, with no authority over it that can prohibit transactions or block access to the blockchain. No third party is needed to validate the transfer of information. If we transfer money, we need a bank confirmation, if we send property rights, we need a notary. Blockchain completely eliminates the need for a third trusted party. Today, blockchain is no longer associated with bitcoin and is becoming a technology in its own right, which forms the basis for new applications and systems. Developers at are responsible for the lifecycle of blockchain applications: they create the system architecture and smart contracts, optimize protocols, and many other tasks. They need to understand data structures and algorithms, cryptography and computer networks. Software developers create decentralized applications (dApps) based on blockchain architecture and protocols. They can be compared to web developers who use existing protocols and design for web applications. They are responsible for the interfaces and internals of dApps and control the technology stack used. The efforts of the core developers focus on the blockchain architecture: they create the consensus protocol and make most of the strategic decisions, as well as controlling the network and designing its architecture. Basic blockchain developers are also responsible for the security of the network. Blockchain developers often solve complex application and blockchain-related problems. 

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