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You've got excess sure her around and executed as a process called allocation dasher reacts with the proteins unfasten your body and it changes and damages your body so what you glide kids some of these things he's targeting hardening of the arteries targeting other diseases caused by the sugar in fact cancer is known to be started with sugar showed cancers are responsive to sugar so you don't overdo it you want to keep it under control and it it's very dangerous to have high blood sugar levels you know what diabetes is the diabetes is doing damage too many things and not allow anybody to do its normal operation ok Sam before you move on to the next thing I just want to see if he can you give us what are some good alternatives to shear what are some total cleanse plus good safe sweeteners the might recommend for people who need to cut down on their sugar intake okay you mentioned sweeteners I would really advise against the chemical sweeteners you want chlorinated sugars and the different types of chemicals you want to eat something more natural Stevie is not a surgery diesel suite case that's one more one direction ago but at least of using some natural things may be a natural agave not thrown from the roots of the one from the leaves and you can use maybe honey or the sweeteners like that is in moderation the main thing though is for a source of carbohydrate you really should be looking toward vegetables and somewhat toward fruits he's reading all natural foods the shock is they may be so much of your body your body will likely be able to handle it and that's for a look at one with resources they give us what we need to tell her okay so let's move on to the next reared awaits his facts and I thought that is pretty interesting how he had staff million our society really demonized facts actually hear a lot about the fat free diet will see the word fat-free and you know if you actually count the number of times you see the word factory in the grocery store it's ridiculousness that.