documents consultants
Thanks for the mail and i can arrange delivery and you pay the delivery fees and get the puppy delivered to your home address . Delivery time is 4 to 5 hours maximum ok and also the puppy will delivered to your home address in Greece .
I will be needing some delivery details i will be using for the delivery of the puppy over to your home address in Greece . I will be using a Pet cargo delivery company called GPDC delivery company and they will be taking care for delivery of the puppy . Ok so you want to get female the female puppy ) ..
Details i will be needing from you listed below for the Delivery process of the puppy :
1) Your Full Names :----------------------------------------------------------------?
2) Your Full Home address:-------------------------------------------------------?
3) Your Full Phone Numbers :----------------------------------------------------?
4) Active Email Address:----------------------------------------------------------?
5) Destination / Nearest Airport Closed to your Home Address / City :.----------------?
The total cost plus papers of travel and adoption papers is 230 € and that is the final cost to get the puppy delivered over to your home address in Greece .
When you send the details i will get the puppy registered at the airport here under the GPDC delivery company in your names and home address and they are going to contact you for the payment of the delivery of the. puppy ok by email or phone.
Thanks and wait a reply.