Adept Migration
migration is owned and operated by following principals;
Richter, who has more than 20 years of legal experience, through his
employment, as senior officer of the Department of Justice within the Courts
environment. He therefore possesses detailed knowledge how courts and legal
systems operate, proof of evidence that is required in particular cases. As
such we are very good in representing and making submissions to the Tribunals
(Migration Review Tribunal, Refugee Review Tribunal and Administrative Review
Tribunal). In addition we specialise and have extensive experience in
family/partner and business visas, specially from high risk countries.
Liu Richter who is qualified accountant, qualified and practiced for many years
in Asia and is therefore very experienced as to the financial requirements for
applicants from high risk countries. She can assess your financial and other
records/documents and advise if they are acceptable for visa requirements. It
should be noted that documentary requirements vary significantly between low
and high risk countries. She is also qualified and registered education agent
and possesses detailed knowledge of Australian education system and acceptable
entry standards, again specially from high risk countries.
we offer professional migration/education service that renders the best of both
worlds. Not only we possess perfect comprehension of English language but also
are fully acquainted with Australian migration and legal systems. In addition
we foster detailed knowledge of financial/legal and educational set up of
countries that are main sources of Australian migrant intake, specially Asian
countries. This way we can assess your
documents and give you precise advice as to acceptance for criteria
requirements, and this even in your own language as we are fluent in number of
obtain honest and quality service relating to any migration/visa issues do not
hesitate to contact us.