
NY, 10012

I just said I'm a diabetic and I need my insulin and handed it on and I was laying about probably 225 and heard him called you know they get me an ambulance and send me back up pack and I'll ugly another cop came that remember the episode from last year and said %uh yeah that's mikes a bodybuilder he'd freaks out every year I'm they called an ambulance he was given me that glucose


to eat and I don't want to break my diets I was just pretending that he did and the cop reaches hand I remember doing this he told me a month later cut I Solomon a bar he reached and the train like you got to squeeze it and I apparently battered his hand away has a crush it so I the ambulance gets there and now my gadget eight acres is 10 menthe past my me on their poop screwing up my bodybuilding routine and I go over themes a mom asleep on the girl at the ambience they carry out let's get this done because I need to eat culture like most artists around me calm down my calm down there are like four cops there now and then it suddenly dawned on me that all they're going to do is going to take my blood sugar level see how low it .


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