
Suite 300 - 5857 owens Ave.Carlsbad, CA-92008, California, 92008
+1 510 726 8978
+1 510 726 8978

A3logics has set the industry standard in technology services for 20 years. Since 2003, our reputation and experience providing quality technology services has redefined what the market looks for in innovative solutions and excellence in delivery to transform every client’s business completely.  


As a company, our services model is all about cutting-edge conceptualization and time-critical development. Our clients take center stage with A3Logics services and solutions deployed to markets all over the world including the UK, U.S.A, Canada, and Australia.

Our passion is feature-rich, engaging mobile app developments designed to your specifications in collaboration with our team of expert professionals who make the journey of developing your app exciting and fulfilling.


In everything we do, A3logics is dedicated to: 

·         Specialized, client-first service experiences

·         Seamless, scalable personalized designs

·         Inclusivity and transparency embedded in our proprietary development process


What sets us apart is our values and how we upheld these with every client, especially our team of over 350 technology experts who are constantly delivering diverse projects for mid-scale startups and established enterprises.


Featured Services

Mobile app development services for custom products

Android app development

iOS app development

Hybrid app development

Progressive Web App development

Enterprise mobile app development

React Native App Development

Rapid and Low-Code app development

Internet of Things (IoT) app development

Augmented Reality (AR) mobile development

Healthcare app development

Fintech app development

App maintenance and application management 

Application services assessment and consulting

Mobile app prototyping

Customized solutions and software support


Areas of Expertise

·         Technology, Mobile and Web Application Development

·         Biometrics

·         Education 

·         Retail

·         Shipping & Logistics

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