
210 Elan Village Lane #202, San Jose, 95134
Daniel Smith

In a large variety of industrial and high tech precise line measuring work fields, either close or long distance, a lot of factory workers and engineers would prefer to make sure of a pure light emitting tool of 635nm red line laser module. It projects the most visible and the brightest red laser light. Being made with good thermal emitting, it just enables daily operating time of 8 to 10 hours, and highly reliable red line alignment in constant use.

This laser line generator applies a qualified glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degree and glass window, built into durable metal housing tube, it enables the most convenient installation, and highly fine and straight red line emission within 0.5 meter to 6meters. When it makes easy mounting onto industrial device, after correct use of output power and fan angle, it assures no mistake and no barrier line alignment in all occasions perfectly.

Applications: lumber machine, laser cutting, saw mill, textile garment processing and high tech work

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