How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy
You seconds left through switching off to regular jumping Jack next switch to that was just a traditional jumping jack says his legs come out those hands go over your head says like snap back together as arms come down to those thighs just keep that motion going nice and quick keep that pace nice in even remember you try to drive a hard up little bit more drug court nook but more get my blood governor around get my body ready for that hit routine coming up next are guts a few seconds left or so just to curse can switch it up get those heels upset but move those feet nice in quick Bailey limit for Tesla Grammy Free port right back up again keep you nice even Pastrami put yourself on this one is your last exercise your warm up before starting to hit routine see really want to makes you start a little bit tired by the this you get a really good sweat gone to get few seconds left really push it out almost ready to start at a routine and we're almost done under 10 seconds left this feat move in three seconds asked and are a good job as into our warm up remove Note hit work out next 16 exercises 20 seconds on 10 seconds of four times through per exercise for 200 36 minutes re starting off with a mountaintop jump squat New Age Garcinia go ahead get ready up squat down of the right true but nice and high that's quite an awesome left just back and forth trying to get really nice high jump every single time you come back to the center squatting down rotating assures get amice deep squat every single time turkey those knees facing straightforward all that motion from left to right just coming from a torso rotating the shoulders left to right and let it relax get ten seconds rest before starting the row number two and started back up nice deep squats the right back to the left jumping nice intimate New Age Garcinia between each time five seconds left 3 to letter relax yet another ten second break for start around two or three go ahead ready three you why on Starker almost done three to in and lacks go ahead get ready 3 to star up I know those that exist we can't Run out keep pushing through it is our last edit this exercise we moving on to another exercise after this one so keep pushing as long as you can almost done three to why on and lacks are a good job you've already burner calories if you've been pushing yourself we've got burgers the squad whole coming up next to make sure you put yourself on this one as well was going to ready and start-up years ago is very similar to a traditional the only difference is when you bring us feedback underneath.