Acrylic render vs cement render

P O Box 435, Vermont, VIC 3133
0413 301 016

Acrylic Render: Acrylic render is a type of rendering material that is composed of a mixture of acrylic polymers, binders, and aggregates. It is a modern rendering solution that offers several advantages:

  1. Flexibility: Acrylic render is more flexible compared to cement render. It can withstand minor structural movements and vibrations without cracking, making it suitable for buildings that are prone to slight shifting or settling.

  2. Crack Resistance: Due to its flexibility, acrylic render has excellent crack resistance. It can withstand the expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes, reducing the likelihood of cracks appearing on the surface.

  3. Adhesion: Acrylic render has superior adhesion properties, allowing it to bond well with various substrates such as brick, concrete, or fiber cement. This ensures a strong and durable bond, enhancing the longevity of the rendered surface.

Cement Render: Cement render, also known as sand and cement render, is a traditional rendering material that consists of a mixture of cement, sand, and sometimes lime. It has been widely used for many years and offers the following characteristics:

  1. Strength and Durability: Cement render is highly durable and provides excellent strength to the rendered surface. It can withstand harsh weather conditions, impacts, and general wear and tear.

  2. Breathability: Compared to acrylic render, cement render is more breathable, allowing moisture to evaporate from the underlying structure. This can be beneficial in certain situations, especially for older buildings or those with specific moisture concerns.

  3. Cost: Cement render is generally more cost-effective compared to acrylic render. The materials required for cement render are readily available and relatively inexpensive, making it a popular choice for budget-conscious projects.

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