Radon Testing Frederick County

5257 Buckeystown Pike, MD, 21704
Radon Testing Frederick County

Address: 5257 Buckeystown Pike, Frederick, MD 21704

Radon Testing Frederick County is serving: Mount Airy, Frederick, Urbana, Lake Linganore, Ijamsville, Buckeystown, Monrovia, etc.
CE Professionals will use “time-integrated” sampling with electrets or continuous radon monitors (CRMs). These types of testing are performed over a certain period which can be anywhere from 2 days (minimum) to more than a year. These results provide a measurement of the average level of radon during that period. Do-it-yourself kits are not time-integrated and may not be accurate.
A professional radon contractor will use more specialized tools that are 100% accurate.
we are properly trained and certified.

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