System a moment ago

System a moment ago was putting in the background that feeling coming from your wrist so you could think about this subject presumably I'll give you one other example that it’s very salient as we're talking here your Choice 9000 Caralluma bladders are filling up only our they are day and the reason I point that out to you is than a minute ago I just a few seconds ago for most have you that was unconscious wasn't you ‘rethinking about something else but when I send you I want you to focus your attention on that suddenly there it is isn't it and for a while our brains are capable of keeping that in the background so you can sit in a lecture and you can keep it in the background but as time passes it'll creep more and more to the foreground at ascertain point in time you will have to act that is the process about tension that's how the nervous system at work sowed can all the time we can use that focused attention to actually do things that are positive in terms of are stress response well you can tell you can take your attention away from unpleasant.

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