
4773 Yonge St. Suite 3C, North York, ON, North York, M2N 5M

"Allurion Weight Loss Program" At Meditism Health & Wellness Clinic, we believe physical healing is inseparable from the mental, emotional, and spiritual healing of an individual; hence the name “MEDITISM, which combines the word medicine and meditation. At Meditism Health & Wellness Clinic, we believe in the holistic approach. We believe a person is not just body parts and organs. We think about the whole person and every aspect that makes a person a human, physical, emotional, spiritual, family, psychological, and yes, body parts and organs! We account for all factors that affect one’s health & wellness; hence the term “Holistic”. This, requires us to take a step further and go above and beyond treating one’s symptoms. We strive to the find root causes of diseases and dysfunctions and heal our patients to the best of our ability.

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