
Office no 1, Raj Palace, Bhandarkar Rd, next to Titan Shop, Pune, Maharashtra 411004, Pune, Mah 411004

Healthy weight loss is done by reducing fat & gaining muscle. It is result of healthy diet & fitness regime. Your metabolism plays significant role in your weight loss. Eat more proteins. Reduce carbs & fat.



Commonly done tests for diabetes are blood sugar fasting & PP.

HbA1c is another test for diabetes. It gives average sugar control of 3 months. This test can diagnose patients who are pre-diabetic.



If you some health issues then your doctor may request some blood tests. You can visit nearby pathology lab for blood tests. Phlebotomist will collect blood sample. You will receive blood test reports from the lab.



Diabetes is very common problem. Test for diabetes include blood sugar fasting & PP as well as HbA1c. These tests should be done every 3 months for known diabetes patients to monitor disease.


Best health checkup should cover all essential test. This should include test for full body checkup like liver, kidney, thyroid, lipid, complete hemogram, urine, iron, diabetes & vitamins.


Pathology lab is medical diagnostic lab which carries out blood & urine tests. Most commonly done tests include liver, kidney, thyroid, lipid, complete hemogram, urine routine, iron, vitamins


Health checkups should be done once a year. Basic health checkup should cover – Liver, kidney, thyroid, lipid, complete hemogram, urine routine & diabetes tests. Diagnostic tests like ECG, chest Xray & sonography should be also included


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