Pure Vitamin Club

United States of America, United States of America, 90066

We wanted to make a vitamin that’s synergistic with a healthy diet, one that I would take – a pure vitamin at a reasonable price. But a great vitamin doesn’t do you any good if you don’t take it, so I wanted to make sure that you always had one at hand.

Which is why I insisted it come straight to your door. But taking a vitamin a day is only a part of your road to health and fitness, so I set out to make sure you got regular shipments sent straight to your door, along with free newsletters and videos every month, to make sure you have all the tools you need to maintain your healthy lifestyle.

How do we make this affordable? By marketing this direct to you. We don’t pay big celebrities for endorsements, we don’t take out expensive ads all over the internet, we don’t spend money on fancy packaging, and we don’t pay the premiums for shelf space that large retail chains demand. We’re keeping the price low so everybody can benefit. So come on in. Join the party.

Pure Vitamin Club. Easy, reliable, affordable, pure.  Great vitamins at a great price, shipped right to your door.

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