CC Company

New York, 10012
iliana D'souza

I'll is no one do it locally much bus no expensive for him do it that way and we're happy be able to bring it to you so if you have any interest in the eye program we're trying to conduct these are programs at least one a month well from this point forward Yacon Root Max we do have September program that is scheduled that is going to be for the 16th 17 and 18th give us a call 18 and identify yourself and let's get your vision turned around to we open it up to you for 128 256 262 is the number to get on in here at 412 825 62 now want to share cut as you well know by now I'm not there look at the literature each and every day so well you're deciding on whether the component here we do have about up 10 to 12 minutes left to go easily able to answer a few questions um I came across a couple things I happened to be plugged into a website that literally present all the papers in the world that are published in the last 24 hours like I'm always change able to check what the most recent research is that they're releasing tithe various journals that float doctors’ offices not unlike up this one here this is dated August you know mister everything a J in August 9 this is only three days of this comes tithe American journal a preventive medicine then it really is the on the first time. 

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