
156 James Avenue 156 James Avenue, NY, 10012
Emilia Clarke

In a misguided attempt to compensate for this assault sentence of the soil, and are disposed of billions of pounds of fertilizer on cropland every year. But they usually replace only three nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. We need many other elements and compounds, about 40 of them to enable ourselves to work properly. We need it in our diet. It cannot be done by the body.


When foods are deficient in important nutrients our bodies eventually replace it with something like that, but the elements of non-life and less functional or even harmful, and integrate them into ourselves and tissues instead of the nutrients they need.


For example, radioactive strontium will be taken by the body to compensate for the lack of calcium. Similarly, when we lack in healthy fats, the cells substitute them with unsaturated fats unhealthy. The biggest problem of the depletion of nutrients from the soil nutrition is the missing quantity of food

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