Dynamiclear Relieves Herpes and Cold Sores Symptoms
Dynamiclear is applied in a "single dose" application per outbreak. The application is SIMPLE, odorless and "mess" free. No
other topical product on the market works in one single
application.Healing begins IMMEDIATELY, as soon as the solution is
applied. A scab will typically form within 6 - 72 hours. Reduce the FREQUENCY and INTENSITY of future outbreaks. Symptoms typically continue to REDUCE with each application. Dynamiclear
had a 98% success rate during Clinical Trials. This is a higher
success rate than medically prescribed treatments.SAVE MONEY by using a
proven solution THAT LASTS! Because
of how Dynamiclear works (you only apply it ONE TIME per outbreak) one
bottle will typically last for several months, a year - or longer. Some
people only ever need one bottle! This is excellent value compared to
most ointments and drugs which need to be repeatedly applied or
regularly refilled. No noted side-effects.
Dynamiclear is an all natural product based on a mineral and herbal
formulation. You now have the option of a product that doesn´t produce
potential side-effects, such as headaches, nausea, depression and hair
loss which are possible side-effects of conventional treatments.