Rainbow Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Massage Centre

Suite 88, 47 Neridah Street, Chatswood, NSW 2067
02-9884 9586
02-9884 9586
Helen Wang

RCMAMC was established on March 2001, it was founded by  Doctor Mrs. Hong Wang who immigrated to Australia as a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor. She graduated from the Shanghai TCM University (5 years full time training), and M.B of TCM. Since then she worked for 7 years as a doctor in a hospital in Shanghai, China. She has excellent clinic experience and TCM clinical practice in Sydney including acupuncture, herbal medicine and remedial massage. Now she is a member of AACMA and the ATCMA. Also, she has been featured in the Large International Interchange Series" Dictionary of World Outstanding Medicine Experts Talent Chinese Volume".

All of RCMAMC's therapists were trained in China and/or Australia. Most of them have a background in TCM clinical experience. Among them are accredited practitioners who are qualified and  professional in health care practice. However, RCMAMC’s focus is on treating  individual, rendering a high standard of ethical and quality service to achieve maximum benefit for the health of the body and mind.

We wish that our safe, competent and comfortable treatment environment and experienced staff with multi-skills can assist you with your health care needs, and bring you comfort and increase your well-being.

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