
20 Main Street, GA, 30338
Marhta Cornells

Is Niagen something that you should be interested in or that you should be using? As some of you may know, Niagen is a dietary supplement produced by Live Cell Research together with Chroma Dex. It uses 250 milligrams of Nicotinamide Riboside, a form of vitamin B3 found naturally in cow's milk.

It is pretty much all natural as that is its only ingredient, it has been tested in animal trials and atleast one human clinical trial sponsored by Chroma Dex.
As you will find out if you do some online research, it did very good in all of the trials and studies. So what is Niagen all about? 

Well Niagen is basically a comercially available form of Nicotinamide Riboside supplementation. Nicotinamide Riboside is all about helping your body naturally synthesize Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, also known as NAD+.

Unlike Nicotinamide Riboside which is found in cow's milk but your body does not produce it, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is produced naturally by your body. Aging is causing NAD+ production to decline and less is produced in the aged. This has many consequences, for example less energy. All aged people have less energy than young individuals because their cells are older and their bodies are older and they have less NAD+.

NAD+ or Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is an essential metabolite is the production of chemical energy that science knows as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Not only that, it does much more. It is involved in cell to cell communication and it is also presumed to be a neurotransmitter able to send signalf of information from brain to muscles and intestines and vice versa. It is a coenzyme that is extremely important for the healthy function of cells and of the mitochondria.

It is also an important chemical that is involved in redox processes and can donate electrons to oxidants or radicals, neutralizing them and reducing oxidative damage on cells, DNA, etc. It is not like we know everything there is no know about it, but we know enough from studies to say that it is safe for healthy individuals and it does elevate levels of NAD+ in humans, which is the most important thing. Be sure to visit to read more information about Niagen or place an order for it, but not before consulting with your medic.

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