C K company

New York City New York City, New York, 10012
Sucal Ihappy

Artificial intelligence in the movies tends to go seriously awry with would in real life we had better hope because AI is fast crossing the boundary separating fantasy from reality world has been totally transformed by after seen callers and it will continue to be transformed things gets mad it's really hard for us to imagine out from its going to be on it's now five years since this pack driverless vehicles raced each other across the Mojave Desert thirteen years since chess-playing computer defeated the world's to Brainpeak p chess-playing human chess world championgary kasparov walked away and you probably    interacted with an intelligent sham today then continue point to mild 10 what books you to enjoy you no longer have to visit the neighborhood bookstore today Amazon supercomputers and sophisticated software can predict with uncanny accuracy what you like in my case it's a couple have history books and a lot of comic books sorry I didn’t understand for PA I permeating our world is still a far cry from say hell the famous computer in the movie2001 a Space Odyssey you mind if I ask you personal question i'll how to carry on a conversation so in answering questions and even asking themed me but that requires a skill that’s.



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