Afterwards this is Bernie you

FASDFSD, ny, 10012
clifford john

Afterwards this is Bernie you over so much more time it's got to burn more no matter how fast you drive the other car and this is basic effect that the afternoon trading has on your body isn't leaving your metabolic system Bio Glaciere on idle 48 hours have to work out the resulting burning for work hours and back is why that's so important that you learn how to maximize at minute back from your workouts if you really want to lose you believe that and get ass and you ever wondered why he strongly in shaping the past what seems easy black other guys this may be the reason why in just a minute I wonder if you know exactly how you get asked by maximizing be out there in effect wrong you workouts but first let me tell you about as high as a workout she needs to avoid you want to get asked because they produce a minimal amount about to burn effect okay the workouts are produced a minimal amount after her.

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