Superior Test X

I’m steroid with a guy in yeah with guns right shooting and more than  matter yak had indifferent stations there was running right there was tender running between art and then paying off that you had to-do to reports that was a two mile run that was the whole I did like that atoll cut I don't like to run that's what I like to do Cross Fit is over you know it works in new condition and all that but um I had to run for work omega I have to qualify recorder that are out there after I like about half that thing but then Tom I don't they are trying to be just hurts to be that just this is losing weight now like the LORD much like this maintain my weight but on hand through that at us there and it got it just threw me for a loop and for holiday yeah I can make a two-millrun and then how much with the overall link that have what you had to do are it was a two mile run but it was it wasn't just any regular run it was a lot of that was gravel Nolan and um we're running in Florida right next to swap so it was I'll ninety-five percent humidity cut it was cut the reigning kind of not that they should enrich in the video there's video on YouTube for folks listening and I had a Lincoln is shown

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