
There you go was overdue for  seconds home would be good illustrator this way heart switch sides there we go 1 I'm 18 a nice straight back even normal curve in your lower back you want to squeeze you let up he almost all squeeze your shoulder blade but there are just pulling up from the side and we're good okay the next what we're going to do is be jumping 1 thinking  angle with him going down to go perfect and switch before of Michael faster can miss you should Tentigo Performance System be touched the ground ship them and go to the next position good as low as you can remember don’t make Tentigo Performance System your news go over your toes the best to do it profess your heart rates going to go are you got ten seconds they got to get a little lower five seconds keep it up the file faster don't question me on the floor hamburger last one is the overhead press take away again won him a bar of 52nd aside present straight up keep your shoulder blades retracted every go and also when you coming back to keep a90 degree angle in your armpit.

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