Gym Liquid Chalk

China, Chinaman Wells, SA 045600

ow to make your own liquid chalk used for climbing and other sports where a good grip is required. We started talking about routes and good techniques when they pulled out a bottle of it and offered me to try it. Wow, it was amazing. It filled in all the cracks in your hands and gave you a great base layer of chalk in under a minute.

Any climbing or gym chalk will do. Powder chalk is best but blocks will work.

Next is the alcohol, I picked the highest percentage I could find at the store. I don't know if 50% would dry as quick.

Make sure you have an airtight container to store it in and something to stir the mixture up with.

Crush your chalk as fine as possible unless your using powdered chalk. Add it to the container you plan on using to mix everything together.

Start adding rubbing alcohol to the chalk while stirring. Keep adding alcohol a little bit at a time until you have a mixture the consistency of yogurt. That's it.

Store your liquid chalk in an airtight container. I would make sure the container could endure long hikes in the bottom of your pack. You don't want everything covered in chalk after a long day hike.

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