
210 Elan Village Lane #202, San Jose, 95134
Daniel Smith

What is the best job for users to make highly clear dot alignment? It is always processing for various working environments, thus it makes good job with a high brightness 532nm green laser diode module. It is projecting the most visible green laser light from a middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser. Owing to its low laser beam divergence of less than 1mard and special TEM00 laser beam mode, either it is pointing at close or long distance, this green dot laser is keeping work with the most visible and the brightest green dot projection at various work distances. Owing to special use of extending electric wires, within the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, this green dot laser alignment makes sure of easy reaching, good direction and high precision green dot generation for laser marking, laser engraving, drilling system, optical instrument, laser medical therapy and high tech work etc.

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