The Backrooms

18175 Donnelly Harbors, Cambridge Park, NSW 05444

Welcome to the backrooms, a horrifying video game that contains an endless maze of randomly created office spaces, as well as a range of settings characterized by the smell of wet carpet, yellow paint covering every surface, and dim lighting.

The Backrooms is a survival horror game in which you explore numerous environments, passageways, stages, and just about anything else. The game is based on a myth that has been widely propagated on the Internet. Each room or level contains a distinct mix of dangerous creatures, whether they be monsters, entities, or both. To successfully traverse the maze and emerge unharmed, you must commit the qualities of each level to memory.

In this future game, gamers will be herded into a room for reasons that are now unknown. The entire area is dominated by out-of-date wallpaper with a yellowish hue, a carpet with apparent wetness, and fluorescent lights. The player's mission is to maintain forward momentum in order to seek the exit within the allocated time and emerge triumphant from the maze. Individual chambers in the "maze beyond reality" are made to appear identical and contain unexplained "objects," requiring players to proceed with considerable caution. Your nerves will be further taxed by the presence of unclear sounds and odd laughs. If you are discovered by "it," you will have nowhere to hide, therefore you must run as swiftly as possible. Don't get caught!

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