4A Barons Crescent, Hunters Hill, NSW 2110

Simply The Bets is proud to guarantee results by using a tried and proven algorithm system that really does work.

We start by gathering all the relevant data necessary for every single fixture. This data includes historical, player, team, weather, stadium plus many more and place it into the algorithm.

Once all data is collected and processed through the algorithm we can determine whether or not we differ from a bookmakers market.

We also see whether there's significant value enough to determine whether a bet is made. Once every single market and fixture has been dissected we then finalize our bets for each day.

Once our final selection is complete we then email our tips out to all our subscribers.

Our sports betting strategy advises them on how much to stake for each individual bet as well as each of the fixtures starting time. If the subscriber has any questions regarding our results we are happy to answer them for you in detail. Once this is done, we then post results daily for every subscriber to see.

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