Proline Fishing Charters

Berth 1, Sorrento Pier, Sorrento, VIC 3943
0429 846 279
Andrew Horne

98 138 985 120 

About Us:
Proline Fishing Charters gives you a Sport Fishing Experience like no other. We promise you won't be disappointed, in fact we believe you'll be hooked!  A family owned business since 1991, we offer trips from Sorrento and Portland fishing Port Phillip Bay, The Rip and Bass Strait for Snapper, Shark and Tuna.

Operating from the glorious Southern Ocean, Bass Strait and Port Philip Bay region, we’ve got everything you need for a great day out on the water. Check out our fishing charters for one that suits your purpose or get in touch and we’ll answer any of your questions!

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