Pauline Nguyen - The Spiritual Entrepreneur

Darlinghurst, NSW 2010

Pauline Nguyen is one of Australia’s most impactful speakers and developmental coaches. Combining science and spirituality, she teaches others how to design the life of their dreams, marrying material success with deep fulfilment and a great sense of play.
A multi-award winning best-selling author as well as the co-founder of the world’s most awarded Vietnamese Restaurant, Red Lantern; Pauline teaches from direct experience to help others command self-mastery.
Her coaching and mentoring are available exclusively to those who are ready to uplevel, leading her clients through self-transformation which ripples through both professional and personal spheres. Drawing from both contemporary science and ancient modalities, her teachings have helped countless professionals experience exponential business growth, greater health, deeper intimate relationships and spiritual awakenings.

Address : Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010, Australia

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