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Emily Emaan

AZ-500 Exam dumps   Your scorecard will include information such as your overall exam performance, PASSFAIL status, a bar chart displaying your exam performance in important categories, and directions for interpreting exam results. Exam Retake Policy for AZ-500 There are many candidates having doubts with reference to the exam retake policies. Let’s take a look at the defined cases – In case you are not able to pass the exam for the first time, then you would be required to wait for at least 24 hours before exam retake. In case you are not able to pass the exam for the second time, then the waiting time to take the exam next time is extend to 14 days. Therefore you can take a maximum of 5 retakes in a year. Exam Cancellation Policy for AZ-500 Some of the cases of cancellation include – In case you plan to cancel or reschedule an appointment then it should be done at least 6 business days before the schedule exam time, such that there are no charges for the cancellation.

 In case there is any cancellation or rescheduling within 5 business days, then you will be charged a nominal fee. In case you fail to reschedule or cancel the appointment 24 hours before the scheduled time then the entire exam fee will be forfeited. Exam Pricing for AZ-500 Before you begin your test preparation, it is critical to have a pricing check. The exam price may vary depending on the location from which AZ-500 Dumps  you take the exam. For example, if you live in the United States, the exam will cost you $99. If you are a Microsoft Imagine Academy, Microsoft Partner Network, or Microsoft Certified Trainer, you may qualify for a cost reduction. In addition, students are entitled to a fee discount. Preparation Guide for Microsoft AZ-500 exam Your test result is determined by how you prepare for the exam.

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