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7 Things You Didn't Know About Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (cks) Exam

ENGLISH (EN) Suraj Deshmukh BLOG CONTAINERS, PROGRAMMING, GOLANG, HACKS, KUBERNETES, PRODUCTIVITY, BOOKS CERTIFIED KUBERNETES SECURITY SPECIALIST CKS EXAM TIPS Things to keep in mind to clear exam effortlessly. SEPTEMBER 4, 2021 SURAJ DESHMUKH 5-MINUTE READ cert I recently cleared the CKS certification exam. So it is incumbent upon me to help you navigate this stress-bound exam. All the tips that are provided are either from accrued knowledge or from personal experience. my cert STUDY MATERIAL During the study of CKA almost three years ago, I studied everything from the documentation. Back then, the documentation had less content hence it was comprehensible.
 But now, to go through the entire documentation was not practical. So I did the course by the killer.sh. This course is rich in information, exercises and tries to explain the basics. At the end of each section in the course, the trainer provides resources to read more on the   Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam given topic. I would recommend going through each and every resource provided. Don’t skip these.Not really things you want to be improvising moments before an exam. Learn and practice how to troubleshoot the API server. Many topics in the CKS will require you to configure the Kubernetes API server in some way. In case you get those parts wrong, your API server is just going to not start up at all. Go and put a bad argument into your /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml file, then try and see how you’d identify that in logs.

7 Things You Have In Common With Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (cks) Exam

 Pick the high-ranking questions to do first. Each question will have a % weight attached in regards to how much it contributes to your overall score. As I mentioned, time is of the essence in this exam - skim through all the questions at the start of the exam and attack the heaviest-weighted ones first. (also note that the heaviest-weighted ones are not necessarily always going to be the hardest!) Don’t stress out! I’m pretty sure that - like the CKA - if you fail the CKS you get a free re-try. So remember that the stakes are very low for that first attempt - even if you fail, you’ll be going into the second attempt with a huge advantage. Prepare your Kubernetes documentation bookmarks ahead of time. More on that at the end of the blog. Course Description Course Length: 2 days Kubernetes and Container-based Application Security + 1 day Kubernetes networking deep dive + 2 days Kubernetes Storage Administration with Ceph and Rook, 5 days altogether Course Description.

: Kubernetes is the de-facto system for container orchestration, e.g. automating the deployment, scaling and management of microservices-based, containerized applications. This training builds on the knowledge gained by students on one of our Kubernetes administration trainings and teaches advanced topics about Kubernetes security, networking, and storage administration for them. It first introduces participants to the concepts, procedures, and best practices to harden Kubernetes based systems and container-based applications against security threats. It deals with the main areas of cloud-native security: Kubernetes cluster setup, Kubernetes cluster hardening, hardening the underlying operating system and networks, minimizing microservices vulnerabilities, obtaining supply chain security as well as monitoring, logging, and runtime security. 

Final Words Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam

The second part deals with the ways of connecting containerized applications to physical and virtual computer networks while keeping them isolated from each other. Participants of this training will learn about the different types of networking resources that facilitates the connectivity for containers, the Container Network Interface (CNI) as well as CNI plugins. In the third part of this training participants learn about the main concept and architecture of Ceph, its installation and daily operation as well as using it in Kubernetes environments with the help of Rook. CEPH is an open-source distributed and fault tolerant storage system widely Linux Foundation CKS Exam Dumps used in cloud environments. It is one of the more popular solutions for the storage needs of Kubernetes environments. Rook is an open-source storage manager allowing the integration of Ceph into Kubernetes and helps the management of the storage cluster. Besides in-depth theoretical coverage, students also do hands-on exercises in their own Kubernetes lab system throughout the training.

 This course doesn’t only deal with the daily and advanced administration of Kubernetes and container based systems but also prepares for the official Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) exams of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Target audience: System administrators, developers and devops who participated on one of our Kubernetes administration trainings or have a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification and want to learn about securing Kubernetes based systems and container-based applications and want to understand and use Kubernetes network features as well as the Ceph/Rook storage solution in Kubernetes environments. Structure: 50% theory 50% hands on lab exercises. Prerequisites: Linux container (e.g. Docker) and Kubernetes admin. skills, for instance by participating on our Docker and Kubernetes administration courses. Why is Kubernetes certification so important ? 

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