Radiant Lighting

10 Gibberd Road, Western Australia, 6021
08 9240 2227

Established back in 1988, Radiant Lighting started with an idea, a concept, a belief to offer quality, innovation and outstanding design to the building and architectural market in Perth.

All this years, Radiant Lighting has never stop to expand their business in the industry and with that dedications have see them today to have worked together with agencies from Italy, Germany, Spain and Switzerland to represent only the finest lighting. Radiant Lighting's display area exhibit works by the world's finest lighting designers like Fontana Arte, Lucente, Morosini, Evistyle, Hunza, Metal Spot, Lombardo and Ansong.

Visit Radiant Lighting showrooms in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane or website to view the finest works and get them light up your space.

(08) 9240 2227