Get Solutions For Windows 10/11 Update Error Code 0x80246008

The windows 10/11 update error code 0x80246008 is generally associated with Windows Update. This Windows 10 Update Error 0x80246008 occurs when the Windows Update service is unable to connect to the update servers or when there are problems with the update files on the system.

Reasons why you might be encountering this windows 10 update error 0x80246008

  • Internet connectivity issues: The Windows Update service requires a stable internet connection to download and install windows 10/11 updates. If your net connection is unstable or weak this error can be encounters.
  • Antivirus software: Some antivirus software may block the Windows Update service from connecting to the update servers. However, try temporarily disabling it and also checking for updates, If you have antivirus software installed on your system.

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