Advantage IT

6688 Myrtle Creek Dr., Colorado Springs, 80927
Advantage IT

Advantage IT is a Complete Technology Solution who works with businesses providing IT services such as help desk support and network setup. Advantage IT has over 20 years of IT experience serving small business to fortune 100 companies and can assist with all of your IT needs. Advantage IT genuinely serves and exceeds customer expectations in friendliness, product knowledge and the IT experience. We believe maintaining IT equipment and preventive maintenance is important to ensure your business continues to run smoothly. The purpose of preventative maintenance is to try to maintain the equipment in optimum working condition and to help prevent any unplanned downtime due to breakdowns. Because components start to wear over time, replacing items prior to failure can cost you far less than the potential consequences of failure while in service. At Advantage IT we want to do just that. Give you an advantage to ensure your business continues to run smoothly.

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