Prodata Electrical

1218 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly, 3163
(03)9041 2852
Gary Haas

Based in Glen Huntly, Prodata Electrical provides an array of electrical services and solutions for commercial and residential clients. If you’re looking for professional workmanship, quality electrical products, and personalised solutions for all types of electrical work, contact the team at Prodata Electrical. No job is too small, no project is too complex, and no services will be left to chance when you choose the Prodata Electrical team.

Fully accredited by Master Electricians Australia, Prodata Electrical is proud to provide expert services in home automation, access control, CCTV, and office fit-outs. Prodata Electrical can automate your home theatre, music systems, lighting and power, as well as adding keypads, swipe cards, alarms, and electric locks to your property. From CCTV and remote viewing solutions to power, data, lighting, and wiring installations, the team does it all.

Prodata Electrical has worked on several prestigious and high profile projects in Melbourne. To work with a highly experienced team, call or email Prodata Electrical today.

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