Fusion5 Business Applications

Level 16, 60 Albert Road, South Melbourne, VIC 3205
+61 3 9922 5519
Fusion5 Australia

We provide consulting and implementation services to help organisations improve their businesses. Our large teams of specialist and experienced consultants provide thought leadership and best practice consultancy to drive business value, as well as highly skilled implementation and support services to deliver core business applications.

Our integrated approach enables customers to source their implementation and support services, across core business applications, from one key Partner. Our team of highly qualified project managers and consultants means our track record for delivering on time, on budget projects is second to none. Our ability to support a wide range of business applications means our customers can enjoy the benefits of consolidated support through a highly committed business partnership.

Today, our services are utilised by over 700 customers and our success is recognised by our key partners including Oracle, Microsoft, Aptean, NetSuite and HEAT Software. With more than 270 people in nine cities across Australia and New Zealand we have enjoyed rapid growth in our local markets.

Visit our website for NetSuite ERP and Oracle ERP Cloud .

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