Breathe Green Dust Mites


You may have been born with a latex allergy, but Breathe Green Dust Mites  unless you're regularly and repeatedly exposed to latex, you probably haven't noticed. Getting poked and prodded by a doctor's latex glove-encased hand at your yearly physical probably won't trigger the onset of your allergy, but being a doctor and wearing the gloves every day probably will. Also, if you're at the hospital frequently, say for multiple surgeries or if you often visit a habitually ill friend (and you like to steal gloves), it's likely that a latex allergy will be triggered. 

Strangely enough, people with allergies to fruits such as bananas, kiwis, and pineapples are often also allergic to latex, so if any of these fruits cause allergic reactions, you may have a latex allergy as well-the fact that these fruits were likely handled by someone wearing latex gloves at some point surely doesn't help. Allergic reactions can range from minor, immediate skin irritation, to a delayed-reaction skin rash similar in severity and discomfort to poison ivy exposure, to immediate and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis (similar to deadly bee-sting allergies).

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