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Natera delois

Guard against alcohol and salad dressings.   max gain xtreme  They contain a huge amount of calories. Also, some of them can cause chemical reactions that retain water in the body. Fitness bikini aims to prove that sporty female body can be sexy and beautiful. It should be remembered that without the discipline of exercise and a balanced diet is impossible to build the body of your dreams. How to get to competition  max gain xtreme   fitness bikini? Fitness bikini this nomination in the female bidibildinge entirely new - it appeared in, the year. The international federation of bodybuilding and fitness scratching their heads over how to attract more people to the event. After all, women in bodybuilding are quite masculine and not attract male attention. Thus was born the nomination fitness bikini - a cross between a beauty contest and  max gain xtreme   a competition in bodybuilding. The fitness of the female body bikini beauty is important, but not the extent of his nakachany. Muscles, of course, play an important role, but not decisive. The first part of the round is called the "presentation". that's what it is made: you must first go to the center of the room and stand facing the judges; then turn around and get back to the judges; again turn around and stand facing the  max gain xtreme   judges; move to the edge of the stage, giving place next. Each participant is given a time interval of seconds. Hands should be kept on the hips. No not allowed to make gestures. ..




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