Solar Masters

Level 1, 16 McDougall Street, Milton, QLD, Brisbane, 4064
1300 748 841

Let the sun pay the Bills.
Slash your bills by 80 to 100%.Get the optimised return on investment 
Get Ready to store the power with Tier 1 product and best in class battery ready inverters & storage plans.

Call us now or contact us for the quote. 

Solar Master offers solar power systems in Brisbane and other QLD regions to help you save money, protect you against ever increasing electricity prices, take advantage of thousands of dollars in solar rebates, add value to your home or business and reduce your carbon footprint. We’ve got a team of solar power and hybrid solar system experts providing quality and affordable installation services in Brisbane, Cairns, and Toowoomba region.

    Products - 
    - Solar Panel
    - Solar Invertor
    - Solar Battery

    Call - 1300 748 841

    Email - admin(at)

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