Care Brother2288

NY, 10012
baba sikandar

Thinking we live in a world where people calories and I'm one restaurant meal so it's definitely step back to try and eat that way a step back in a good way yeah great ladies we have I'm the live your questions are rolling in so let's get one of those am questions answered okay Lisa Barley are there good fruits and bad for its who'd like to start with that I’m happy to do so I definitely love fruits with seeds or skins so raspberries blueberries blackberries are definitely my favorite fruits because they're packed with fiber and they’re pretty low in calories and the really packed withstood-chemicals things that help fight disease cancer diabetes and heart disease I also like pears and oranges and apples with the skins and then you know watermelon cantaloupe those kind of fruits they're good sources like watermelon is a great source up like a pea in which is a petrochemical but it doesn't have a lot of fiber it's got some features were helps you feel fuller so I mean that thing with fruit is that you want a variety because they all have different attributes to help you.

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